Recreational Sports and Fitness Services employs over 400 students each year. Students will learn the following skills while working in a fun and engaging environment.
Any/all job openings will be posted below.
Each position offered in the Department, has a slightly different hiring process. Details for each position can be obtained from the program area's Supervisor.
Once a student has been offered a position with Recreational Sports and Fitness Services they MUST provide the following documents and information to the hiring supervisor before the first scheduled shift.
Failure to submit the preceding information and documents to the hiring supervisor, will nullify the employment opportunity.
A student employee cannot work more than 29 hours per week (20 for international students) regardless of position held in any Michigan State University unit. It is the employee’s responsibility to notify the professional staff if they are approaching this limit. Going over 29 hours 3 times in one semester will result in immediate termination from all campus jobs by Human Resources.
It is mandatory that all Student and Grad Student team members use Enterprise Business Systems (EBS) to keep their information for Payroll up-to-date.
If you are hired in the middle of a pay period, it may result in a few weeks delay before receiving your first check so please review this calendar.
To fill out your Direct Deposit please follow the following steps:
Select the EBS portal login tab
Log in using your MSU NetID and password.
Select the ESS (Employee Self-Service) tab.
Select the Payroll tab:
Enroll, change or cancel the direct deposit of net pay.