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Michigan State University Club Sports must follow all policies and procedures set by the University, the Department of Student Life, and the Department of Recreational Sports and Fitness Services.

  • FAQs
    1. What is our club’s mailing address?

    “Club Name”

    Intramural Sports Circle

    308 W. Circle Dr. Rm. 121

    East Lansing, MI 48824


    1. What is the difference between a Club Sport and a Registered Student Organization (RSO) at Michigan State University?

    Club Sports at MSU are required to be Registered Student Organizations before being eligible to be a Club Sport.  In addition to the resources available to RSO’s, Club Sports receive the following:

    • Access to some administrative assistance through the Club Sports Director
    • Access to the Recreational Sports and Fitness Services Department’s Development Account (the ability to receive tax-deductible donations)
    • Advertised on the Recreational Sports and Fitness Services website
    • Discounts on facility rental when hosting tournaments/competitions
    1. What qualifies a group to be a Club Sport?
    • Recognized Registered Student Organization (RSO) for minimum of 2 years
    • Demonstrate leadership transition beyond the founding members
    • Competitive in nature, must compete in at least 3 home or travel events each year
    • Members pay dues to help cover costs for the year
    • Team travel outside of the East Lansing area for competitions
    • A National Governing Body exists for the team and they are members in good standing
    • 100% of the membership consists of MSU affiliates (student/faculty/staff/alumni) with valid MSU ID
    • Level of risk involved in the sport: it’s appropriate and in accordance with the overall mission of the Rec Sports Department and falls within acceptable safety guidelines as determined by MSU Risk Management
    • Each club is unique and is the only one offered through the Club Sports Program; utilizes and is supported by Rec Sports facilities
    • Teams must have a minimum of 10 members or enough to fully roster a team
    • History within our department, so longstanding teams are given opportunities to continue to be successful through consistent resources that have been afforded them in the past, as long as they remain a club in good standing
    • Club teams must comply with rules and regulations set forth by the University, the Rec Sports Department and their National Governing Organization within reason


    1. What is our Development Account and how do we find out the balance?

    Club Sports have access to the Rec Sport’s Development Account.  This allows clubs to receive tax deductible donations.  Reimbursement from this account must follow all of the laws and rules set forth by Michigan State University and the IRS.  The easiest way to use this money is to have us pay an invoice for you (that’s less than $2500) or get reimbursed.  Always meet with the Club Sports Director before assuming you can get reimbursed for an expense.  Never assume anything regarding the Development Account.  To find out your balance, contact the Club Sports Director.  Go to page 10 of this Handbook for more information regarding the use of this account.


     How do we get approval to use MSU’s logos on publications/uniforms/etc?

    All publication and apparel designs MUST be approved through University Licensing to ensure they adhere to University logo regulations.  Go to to read up on Graphics Standards, to find a list of licensed vendors as well as contact information.


    1. How do we get funding from the University?
    RSO’s are eligible to receive up to $4500 in a calendar year through the Associated Students of MSU (ASMSU).  Find out more in the RSO Student Handbook:  
  • Club Responsibilities

    Club Responsibilities

    Michigan State University Club Sports must follow all policies and procedures set by the University, the Office of Spartan Experiences, and the Department of Recreational Sports and Fitness Services.


    The following is a checklist of the responsibilities each club must fulfill:


    1. Before the first practice:
    • Register the student organization through the Office of Spartan Experiences.
    • Acknowledgement of Risk (aka, liability waiver) for all club members (including tryouts) – filled out before or at the first practice BEFORE practice/tryouts begin. No one is to participate without having submitted a completed liability form. All Rec Sports affiliated clubs should have everyone sign up for IM Leagues to join your team.  This requires each user to complete the Acknowledgement of Risk, also found here in paper form:  All paper forms must be turned into the Club Sports Director.
    • Facility Request Form (all officers will receive this in an e-mail from the Club Sports Director before fall semester starts each year)
    • Coach/Instructor Form for all coaches/instructors
      • Current coaches (must have Coach/Instructor form on file) will receive information from the Club Sports Director on how to access facilities.
    • Have an updated club Constitution on file in the Club Sports Office and the Office of Spartan Experiences. Confirm with Club Sports Director that new officers have reviewed Constitution.


    1. Submit the following forms at the BEGINNING OF EACH SEMESTER
    • Updated club rosters (can download a PDF in IM Leagues)
    • Competition/Travel schedule (home and away games)


    1. Throughout the season
    • Before travel, fill out on-line travel form. No one is to travel without submitting this form:
    • Immediately book facility space AND Athletic Trainer when hosting home competitions. Athletic Trainer should be given a minimum of 2 weeks notice before events.


    Please ensure that ALL forms/responsibilities are COMPLETED in their entirety.


    1. At least one individual from each club must be assigned to attend the Club Sports Meeting each semester.  Ideally, a more senior officer and a newer/upcoming officer will attend.


    1. Someone from each club must check the club’s mailbox in 121 IM Circle throughout the semester.


    1. Clubs are not allowed to have non-MSU members.  Membership must consist of 100% currently enrolled MSU student/faculty/staff (some clubs only allow undergraduate students, depends on the governing body).


    1. All Club Sports are required to have at least 10 members to keep their affiliation with the  Club Sport Program or the minimum number required to fill a team.


    1. All publication and apparel designs MUST be approved by University Licensing to ensure they adhere to University logo regulations.  Go to the University Licensing Programs website to find contact information, a list of licensed vendors and to learn more about Graphics Standards.  Go to the “Campus Use” tab and there is a section for “Registered Student Organizations and Clubs.”  There is a Licensing Authorization Form that should be submitted to have apparel designs approved and much more information on that site.


    1. Clubs must ensure that contact information located on the Rec Sports webpage is up-to-date and accurate.  Changes to the club contact information should be forwarded to the Club Sports Director ASAP.
  • Officer Responsibilities

    Officer Responsibilities

    Club Sport Officers are an extremely vital part of the success of the club.  Generally, Club Sports have four officers including a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.  Those four are the minimum necessary to be a Registered Student Organization (RSO) through the Office of Spartan Experiences. Though policies and procedures are set by the Office of Spartan Experiences and the Recreational Sports and Fitness Services Department at Michigan State University, Club Sports are student-directed.  The specific responsibilities of each club officer are determined by the clubs, but here are some guidelines that your club may follow if you need some.


    All officers have the responsibility for seeing that the club abides by all University policies and procedures.  These include, but are not limited to: scheduling, financing, advertising, and sponsoring events. 


    1. President’s Responsibilities
      1. Preside over club meetings and conduct club business
      2. Promote fundraising events
      3. Delegate responsibility as necessary
      4. Approve the club budget
      5. Approve all club spending
      6. Keep strong positive relationships going between club members
      7. Develop and encourage new leadership in first and second year students
      8. Designate a representative for Club Sport meetings


    1. Vice-President’s Responsibilities
      1. Take over in the President’s absence
      2. Assist the President with the responsibilities listed above
      3. Submit schedule, on-line travel forms and liability waivers to the Club Sports Director


    1. Treasurer’s Responsibilities
      1. Keep an account ledger up to date and legible (preferably on a secure, shared spreadsheet or on-line account)
      2. Make sure that money is handled properly and deposited immediately
      3. Prepare the club’s annual budget
      4. Have at least 2 people working with the account and monthly statements should be shared with the e-board and entire team if they request it.


    1. Secretary’s Responsibilities
      1. Record and circulate minutes of all club meetings
      2. Circulate publicity information about the club
      3. Manage IM Leagues roster and waiver submission, submit updated rosters to the Club Sports Director
      4. Report new officer information for the coming year to the Club Sports Director after elections
      5. Make sure club constitution is up to date and on file
      6. Check mailbox (Rm. 121 IM Circle) regularly
      7. Submit information you feel should be kept in the club’s file in the Club Sports Office. This file represents the “life” of the club and should include pertinent items for future club leaders, including contracts which should not be entered into without direction from the Club Sports Director


    Your club may have other officer positions as needed.  Other positions clubs have had include Officer-at-Large positions for Fundraising, Public Relations, Web Master, Social Media Chair, Recruiting or Travel.  It is also a good idea to have one or two individuals serve as the representatives for the General Sessions.  Keep in mind that all club officers must carry at least six credits (half-time) per semester (summer not included).


  • Code of Conduct

    Code of Conduct

    Michigan State University has a standard of student conduct that applies to all members of Club Sports and RSOs regardless of student status.  Please refer to the Office of Student Support & Accountability to learn more:  Accordingly, the Club Sport Program has a standard of conduct for all clubs affiliated with the Club Sport Program.  Students in the Club Sport Program assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the University’s function as an educational institution.  When members participate in an event they accept the responsibility of representing the University in a way that will not detract from the reputation of the institution, will demonstrate ethical conduct, and will display sportsmanship before, during, and after the event.


    Participants shall not:

    • Consume alcohol while traveling, competing, or spectating  
    • Use drugs, except for prescribed medical purposes, while traveling, competing, socializing, and/or using facilities where they are considered representatives of the Institution.
    • Strike, attempt to strike, or abuse an official, opposing player, spectator, or coach.
    • Intentionally engage in or incite participants and/or spectators to engage in abusive or violent behavior.
    • Use obscene gestures, profanity, or disrespectful language.
    • Violate any tournament, Michigan State University, host institution, or Club Sport Program rules or policies.


    Violations of these standards will result in disciplinary action by the Recreational Sports and Fitness Services Department Director.


    Harassment and Discrimination are prohibited.  If someone should engage in either of those behaviors it could result in disciplinary action, including dismissal from the team.

  • Hazing



    Please visit this website for more detailed information on what hazing it, the law in Michigan, how to report, FAQs and additional resources here:

    Hazing Information and Resources | Office of Student Support & Accountability (

    Hazing Defined

    Hazing is defined as “requiring or encouraging any act, whether or not the act is voluntarily agreed upon, in conjunction with initiation, affiliation with, continued membership, or participation in any group, that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm or humiliation.”  See General Student Regulations, Appendix A.

    Examples of hazing include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Any physical act of violence or intimidation.
    • Forced physical activities (e.g. working out excessively).
    • Peer-pressuring or coercing someone to consume any legal or illegal substance.
    • Placing foreign substances on one’s body or that of another (e.g., using a permanent marker on the body).
    • Not allowing someone to use or possess certain items.
    • Depriving individuals of sleep, meals, ways to keep their body clean, or means of communication (e.g., restricting access to cell phones).
    • Forcing an individual to create and/or distribute digital content to cause ridicule or embarrassment (e.g., posting photos or videos to social media).   
    • Forcing someone to expose themselves to weather.
    • Activities such as scavenger hunts, pledge ditches, kidnapping, forced road trips, or abandonment (e.g., leaving someone in a field with no way to get home or contact anyone), which result in illegal or otherwise prohibited conduct. 
    • Requiring someone to possess specific items (e.g., carry a brick).
    • Servitude (e.g., expecting a new member to do the tasks of an existing member).
    • Changing appearance (e.g., wearing a costume or shaving head).
    • Line-ups and berating.
    • Coerced lewd/sexually explicit conduct (e.g., nudity) or sexual acts.
    • Engaging in games, activities or public stunts that are purposely degrading or intend to cause embarrassment.
    • Interference with academic pursuits (e.g., not permitting someone to attend class or exams)
    • Violation of University policies.
    • Requiring illegal and/or unlawful activities.


    State of Michigan Law on Hazing

    The State of Michigan has criminalized certain types of hazing at educational institutions under “Garret’s Law”.  See MCL 750.411t.

    Under Garret’s Law, hazing means “an intentional, knowing, or reckless act by a person acting alone or acting with others that is directed against an individual and that the person knew or should have known endangers the physical health or safety of the individual, and that is done for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, participating in, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization.” 

    Garret’s Law does not apply to an activity that is normal and customary in an athletic, physical education, military training, or similar program sanctioned by the educational institution.

    Whether the individual against whom the hazing was directed consented or acquiesced in the hazing is not a defense to a crime under Garret’s Law. 


    SUMMARY: Don’t single out freshmen, rookies or any subset of your team.  Any activity you have them do should be done by everyone else on the team.  Teach, educate, work alongside your new members rather than embarrass and ostracize them.  Hazing is a serious issue.  Make your club experience fun, and do not engage in potentially dangerous activity.  Consider community service as a bonding exercise that can bring your team together.  Check out and get your team involved in some serious team building by donating time and volunteering to make the world a better place (and becoming a more cohesive team at the same time!).


  • Eligibility Policy

    Club Sport Eligibility Policy

    Michigan State University Club Sport Program is open to all registered students, faculty, or staff.  Some clubs may have more strict eligibility criteria, including restrictions based on their national governing organization.  Incoming students accepted on a team may not begin practicing with the team until they have paid dues, completed New Student Orientation (NSO) and their MSU ID scans them as a valid student.  Under no circumstance should minors (children under 18 years old) be allowed to participate in a Club Sport. 


    For those clubs whose league requirements insist that an eligibility check is done on club members, please follow these steps that are required from the Registrar’s Office.  This check will be done with accuracy and is confidential if the following procedures are followed:

    1. Allow a minimum of 1 week (5 working days) for processing
      • They cannot assist you if you haven’t completed your RSO paperwork so get that done in AUGUST!
    2. Supply information provided by the event/tournament committee of your league
    3. Each request must contain the following information when submitted:
      • Clearly printed name
      • Student signature
      • Student ID number


    Michigan State University Club Sports Program also requires that all Club Sports have at least 10 members or the minimum number of players required to field a team, whichever number is higher.  It is imperative that Rec Sports be efficient in allocating the limited time and facilities available for Club Sports.  If your club cannot maintain this minimum membership, either there is not enough interest in the University community, or your club is not working hard enough to recruit.  If the club cannot meet the minimum membership criteria, it may be dropped from the Club Sport Program.

  • Fundraising, Sponsorship, and Donations

    Fundraising, Sponsorship, and Donations

    The importance of fundraising for Club Sports cannot be stressed enough.  Clubs must generate their own funds.


    Fundraising recommendations:

    1. Fundraising should not be left up to one club member, but should be planned by a fundraising committee and conducted by the entire club.
    2. Set up a budget for all fundraising events and estimate possible expenses. Keep all receipts and record all transactions.  You can also approach businesses for sponsorships, prize donations, and discounted services to offset the costs of the activity.  Recall the Code of Conduct when selecting businesses to approach.
    3. Establish a realistic time schedule that allows ample time for planning, meetings, resource gathering, etc., and always include deadlines. Your time schedule should allow for the event to take place in the proper season, i.e., don’t try to squeeze in a car wash at the beginning of December.
    4. If you need facility space, make sure you reserve the space that will meet the needs of the activity prior to planning the event. You do not want to conflict with another campus activity or try to fit too many people into a small facility.
    5. Publicize the event. Social media is a great way to get the word out. You may also contact radio, TV, newspapers with Press releases, or advertise on your own.  Make sure all publicity is approved by the Club Sports Director ahead of time.
    6. Evaluate the fundraising event from the time you begin planning to the end of the project. Keeping these notes on hand will make it easier to plan activities in the future.


    Note:  Fundraising cannot include sponsorship from tobacco, or adult entertainment businesses.  If you are planning to get sponsorship from an alcohol company, you must speak to the Club Sports Director.  The University has an alcohol policy by which all student organizations must abide.


    Fundraising ideas:

    The Club Sports Office occasionally gets requests for groups interested in fundraising and that information is passed on when it becomes available.  The following events are just suggestions. 


    Sponsorships                                                                           Selling candy                                                              Raffles

    Arena Cleanups                                                                       Dance-a-thons                                                             Row-a-thons

    Sports Camps/Clinics                                      Campus Concessions                          Donations

    Ticket sales to competitions               Car washes                                                                  Pizza Kit Sales

    Tournaments (golf, softball, etc.)            Can Drive                                                                               


    Authorization for Fundraising Raffles, Gifts and Prizes

    RSOs can purchase gifts and prizes for members and events. Please be aware of the below guidelines for best practices:


    • If a prize is for a drawing, raffle, etc., the RSO must have appropriate licensure with the State of Michigan, when applicable.


    • Raffle definition: A game of chance where raffle tickets are sold or consideration is given, a winner(s) is determined by randomly drawing a ticket stub from a container, and a prize is awarded.
    • If your organization is holding a 50-50, an event with an admittance/registration fee that includes being entered in a drawing for a door prize, or a drawing for completing something, such as a survey, these are raffles and should be licensed.
    • Almost all raffles need to be licensed through the state.
    • General information about raffles, rules and forms can be found at State of Michigan, Michigan Lottery, Charitable Gaming Division at . Please note that the typical processing time for all raffle applications is 8 weeks.


    • It is advised and a best practice that when purchasing gifts from your RSO account (on or off-campus) gifts and prizes be under $75 per item.


    • Please note for those with ON-CAMPUS ACCOUNTS: When submitting reimbursement for gifts or prizes the name of the recipient(s) and MSU email must be included in the voucher before the reimbursement will be paid. This is required to ensure that the gifts and prizes have been responsibly disbursed.


    • If gift cards are purchased a tracking method must be created to ensure that cards are not lost or stolen.
    • If items are received as a donation to the RSO with the purpose of being given away it is best practice to record what was given out or how the item was utilized in case the donor wants to know what their items were used for.
    • It is advised to be aware of equitable practices and work with your RSO adviser when planning for gifts and prizes.


    Often Club Sports will seek the aid of off-campus organizations or companies in sponsoring the club or an event.  There are University policies and regulations, which govern a private firm or organization sponsoring a student organization or an activity on campus (or off-campus when the club is a RSO).  Additionally, policies exist governing the type of printed materials that can be posted and what can appear on them.  Contact the Club Sports Director for more information.


    If a sponsor requests a W-9, you have the option of using your Employer Identification Number (EIN) on the form, in Box 3 select “Other” and type in “Educational Organizations.”  Use the club’s IM Circle address (located in the FAQs).

  • Development Account

    Club Sport Development Account

    Club Sports have the privilege of depositing donations into a tax-free development account managed by the MSU Development Office.  If you would like to spend money in the Development Account, you must meet with the Club Sports Director to ensure you are processing paperwork correctly.  Money in this account must be handled like any other donation to the university, whose details are laid out in the MSU Manual of Business Procedures.  Below are some details common to clubs:

    • Clubs have a web link to their Development Account page through University Advancement.  This is an easy way for people to donate using a credit/debit card. 
    • Check or money order donations must be made payable to “Michigan State University” indicating the name of the club in the memo section of the check.  Be sure that the donor’s name and mailing address are submitted with the donation. Submit donations to 201 IM West, where the Rec Sports clerical staff will process your donation.  The mailing address is:
      • 393 Chestnut Road, Rm. 201, East Lansing, MI 48824
    • Donors receive a letter from the University Advancement verifying receipt of the donation as tax deductible.  While donors receive a generic letter from University Development, it is better for them to receive thank you notes from the club directly.  Find out if you have received on-line donations with the Club Sports Director.  Remember: all donations through the Development Account are made to MSU, NOT your club.  If the donor’s intent was for the money to go directly to your club, we will deposit it there. However, those funds are not to be referred to as yours, they are MSU’s.  There are many rules and regulations regarding use of the Development Account that can be found in MSU’s Manual of Business Procedures.  If you have any questions about the use of this account, contact the Club Sports Director. 


    Below are answers to some recurring club questions/concerns regarding the Development Account:

    • The easiest way to use this money is to (a.)have us pay an invoice for you or (b.) get reimbursed.
      • When requesting reimbursement for a tangible item (uniforms, parts, supplies, etc.), you need to provide proof of payment.
    • Receipts must include: itemized receipt (itemized  description of each item purchased, including the per unit cost, how many you purchased and the total for each item, zero balance showing you paid, the name and address of the business and possibly a copy of the check, the payee’s name on your bank statement highlighted, or the credit card charge confirmation.
    • Only donations are allowed in the Development Account.  If you have $300 in the Development Account and a $500 invoice to pay, you are not allowed to add $200 from your off-campus account to make up the different.  See the Club Sports Director if you are in this type of situation.
    • If you obtain space or need assistance from Infrastructure, Planning and Facilities (IPF), make sure you have enough money in your Development Account to cover the expense. Also be sure you provide IPF with your proper accounting information so we are billed accurately. 
      • Most clubs have a RSO account (starts with “AR”) for events which is NOT subject to the same rules as a Development Account.  However, one cannot receive tax deductible donations into a RSO agency (“AR”) account.  This is what all RSOs have access to. The Rec Sports Development Account is a university account, hence allowing clubs to receive tax deductible donations.
    • Clubs will not be reimbursed for gifts since accounting requires names of each person receiving a gift and this could directly impact their financial aid. 
    • If another university requires a W-9 to pay a tournament fee, you may use your Employer Identification Number (EIN) and complete your own W-9 (can be found on the IRS website), do NOT use MSU’s W-9.  Unsure of your EIN?  Contact your financial institution to see if they have it (MSUFCU can usually assist with this).  In section 3 you may select “Other” then type in “Educational Organizations.”  Have those checks mailed to your IM Circle address, which should be your address for all things IRS related.


    YOU MUST SPEAK WITH THE CLUB SPORTS DIRECTOR IN ADVANCE OF ANY PURCHASES THAT ARE OUTSIDE OF CLUB REIMBURSEMENT AND CLUB INVOICES.  There are many guidelines in MSU’s Manual of Business Procedures that must be followed, never assume something is covered and easily reimbursable.  Below are some critical details that relate specifically to Rec Sports sponsored Club Sports who utilize the Rec Sports Development Account for donations.  Reference this list before planning to use the Development Account and remember to always consult the Club Sports Director before assuming certain expenses are reimbursable:

    • No reimbursement for travel is allowed unless you submit a Travel Authorization form prior to leaving for the event.  That form is in addition to the on-line travel form.  You must contact the Club Sports Director at least two weeks before travel if you hope to get reimbursed for any travel expenses (including reimbursement for hotel, vehicles, gas, etc).  There are very specific procedures that must be followed before this type of reimbursement can occur.  Here are just a few examples of restrictions for clubs requesting reimbursement for travel:
      • If you rent a vehicle on your own any insurance you purchase is not reimbursable
      • 12-15 passenger vans are not allowed by MSU so there is no reimbursement for 12-15 passenger vans from this account.
      • You must fill the gas tank prior to returning a rental vehicle or you will not be able to get reimbursed (basically, don’t return it on empty and pay the rental agency to refuel – this violates university fuel service option rules).
      • When getting reimbursed for lodging and travel, it is much easier to reimburse the club rather than issue individual reimbursements.
    • If you plan to spend more than $10,000 with a vendor, you must go through MSU Purchasing to use the Development Account.  They will need 3 quotes from 3 different vendors and will go with the lowest bid, unless you can explain to them why one company may be better to use than the others.
    • If you want to purchase something that is > $2,500 but < $10,000, we would first need a quote from the vendor that gets submitted with a requisition to Purchasing to request a purchase order.
    • Taxable services (paying for officials, etc.) cannot be reimbursed; we would need to pay these for you directly as long as you have sufficient funds in your Development Account. 
    • If you plan to pay coaches by using the Development Account or Endowment money (all Endowment expenses must be approved by the Rec Sports Director in advance), then coaches must complete a Personal Services Contract form before they are hired.  For more information on this, please speak with the Club Sports Director.
    • If you’ve been approved in advance for travel reimbursement, to get reimbursed for meals, the club must submit a spreadsheet that itemizes the names of the club members, the dates of the meals to be reimbursed and the signature of each club member as authorization for the reimbursement.
  • RSO Agency Account ("AR" Account)

    RSO Agency Account (“AR” account)

    Any club planning on hosting an event on campus should open an AR account (through the Office of Spartan Experiences).  There is a $5/month fee to keep money in this account but it allows your club to host events on campus.  This fee is being subsidized by ASMSU since Fall 2016 so there are no direct costs for RSOs to keep money in this account.

  • Travel

    Club Travel

    On-Line Travel Form - This form is required for all club travel, regardless of form of transportation.  The Travel Form holds important travel information in case of an emergency situation and must be completed before the travel date.  You must essentially have your travel itinerary complete before being able to fill out this form.  Here is the information needed to completely fill out the on-line Travel Form:


    Club Name, President name and contact info

    Destination (where are you going?)

    Tournament Name

    Competition Date & Time

    Departure (date/time you’re leaving from and returning to East Lansing)

    How are you traveling?

    Personal Car –

    • How many cars, who’s driving and who are the passengers in each


    • Each vehicle should have at least 2 drivers
    • A maximum of 3 hours of uninterrupted driving is allowed per driver. After 3 hours, switch drivers or take at least a 15 minute break before the same driver can drive again.
    • The person sitting in the front passenger seat must stay awake when the vehicle is in motion.

                Rental Car – information on rental company and how many cars?

                Plane – flight number, airline, etc.

                Bus – information on the bus company (use this government regulated bus safety site

    before renting a bus:

    Lodging (information on hotel/motel/private residence)

    Copy and paste roster of all traveling (including coaches) into a box at the end of the form


    The travel form can be found here.  


    Basic Driving policies

    • No cell phone use while driving. THIS INCLUDES TEXTING!!!!
    • A maximum of 3 hours uninterrupted driving is allowed per driver. After 3 hours, switch drivers or take at least a 15 minute break before the same driver can drive again.
    • Seat belts must be worn at all times by everyone while the vehicle is in motion. If seat belts are either nonworking or not available for a seat, that seat cannot be used.
    • Avoid driving between midnight and 5:00am


    Anthony Travel

    A unit of Anthony Travel has agreed to work with MSU Club Sports on booking travel.  Here are the details:

    • One key person organizes all of your travel
    • Anthony Travel specializes in group travel, therefore they have great agreements with all of the airlines.
    • They can do group discounts for a minimum of 6 people on 5 of the major airline carriers. 100% payment would be required for these types of groups (under 10 w/ minimum of 6). Groups under 10, minimum of 6, must be 100% utilized for these types of groups. In other words, if you hold a group under 9-6 people, you must use all of those seats or you will be penalized 100% of the cost of the ticket plus any utilization penalties the airline charges us also, if you cancel at any time, before or after ticketing.  
    • They have the flexibility to change names on tickets up to 72 hours in advance, so if someone is injured and can no longer travel, you can send someone else in their place! There may be name change fees incurred by 75% of the airlines, depending on whether we have to physically reissue the ticket or not.
    • They have experience working with athletic teams and will help you to have flexibility in your tournament weekend.
    • They can hold space for your group on an airline without payment or names of passengers 7-60 days before departure depending on the airline.

    Since we have no contract with them, there is a $25 per ticket fee to cover their costs.  If you will be using 2 different airlines that is a multi ticket and the fee will be $25/ticket.  If your club is interested in booking a flight with Anthony Travel, please contact:

    Leo Zacarias

    Sports Travel Consultant

    Anthony Travel, Inc.  |  3237 E. Guasti Rd. | Suite 330  |  Ontario, Ca. 91761 
    Office: 909-605-2018 x 110 | Direct line: 909-321-3593  |  Fax: 909-937-6150
    24-Hour Emergency Travel Assistance: 800-530-2560  |  VIT Code: S3T2F

  • Travel Excuse Letters

    Excuse Letters

    Making decisions in the best interest of your team’s safety is a critical component of effective leadership.  If your club has a long drive ahead, plan to leave early.  Driving through the night not only increases accident risks for your team, but may also affect your team’s performance if they don’t get enough rest the night before a tournament.  The Club Sports Director is able to write an excuse letter for your team.  While each professor at MSU has their own excuse policy, a letter from the Club Sports Director lends legitimacy to your team’s request for an excuse.  If your team plans on missing several classes in one semester, the letter may be less useful so be smart in the tournaments you choose to attend and try to avoid missing too many classes.  Please request letter at least two weeks in advance of your travel date.  The sooner your teammates can get these to professors, the better!  Here’s the information needed when requesting an excuse letter:

    • Name/location of competition
    • Date/time of competition
    • Date/time you’re leaving East Lansing and returning to East Lansing
    • How are you traveling (driving to airport, taking bus, individual cars, etc.)
    • Anything else you think a professor would want to know
    • Include PIDs of the players and please block off 4 numbers, for example:
      • Sparty Spartan  18****123


    Please send the PIDs in an e-mail without formatting, making it easier to copy and paste the list into a Word document.

  • University Licensing - Club Merchandise and Apparel

    University Licensing – Club Merchandise and Apparel

    MSU Club Sports are welcome to use licensed trademarks of Michigan State University (the Block “S,” Spartan Helmet, etc.) or create their own designs/logos for jerseys and club merchandise/apparel.  However, it is essential that you clear your design through University Licensing.  Go to ( to read up on Graphics Standards, to find a list of licensed vendors as well as contact information.  The below information was designed by the Licensing Office with all RSOs in mind, and intended to help clarify what is and is not allowed.  Contact Licensing for final approval on any design you are considering for print!

  • RSO Identity Guidelines

    There are more than 1100 student organizations at Michigan State University. The following guidelines have been created to assist groups in knowing the allowable ways to affiliate with the university.

    Student groups are able to affiliate with Michigan State University in so much as:

    1. The student group identifies as a student-based organization not to be confused with a University department, program or initiative;
    1. The student group identity conforms to the guidelines herein and does not infringe on Michigan State University registered marks, athletic brand or intellectual property.


    Student organizations should include the word “club” or similar identifier in the naming of the organization. This will identify the club as a student-based organization and not a university department or office. Examples include Club, Society, Association, and Chapter. Examples of current groups at Michigan State include Academic Competition Club, Advertising Association and Black Student Alliance.

    Further, to enhance affiliation with MSU, organizations should include the words “at Michigan State University” along with or as part of their organization’s name. Acceptable alternatives include “at Michigan State” or “at MSU.” For example “Accounting Club at Michigan State University.”

    Student organizations may use the word “Spartans” or “Spartan” in their name, but it must be done in a way that does not construe or imply the university has taken an official position. For examples “Spartan Republican Club” is permissible but “Spartans for Nixon” would not be permissible.


    Student organizations may identify with Michigan State University in two ways.

    Option 1: Use the approved design framework, which includes the Spartan helmet combined with the organization name

    and specified font.

    Option 2: Create a unique visual identity that does not incorporate any other registered marks of Michigan State

    University (Spartan helmet, Block “S”, Michigan State University word mark, Sparty)

    OPTION 1: Use the approved design framework, which includes the Spartan helmet.

     ‘Club Name’ at Michigan State University/Michigan State/MSU should appear adjacent to the Spartan helmet using the following specifications.

    The Spartan helmet logo or other registered mark of Michigan State University MAY NOT be combined with any othergraphic elements to form a new logo, other than stated here.

    OPTION 2: Create a unique visual identity that does not incorporate any other registered marks of Michigan State University (Spartan helmet, Block “S”, Michigan State University word mark, Sparty) Examples of alternate identity graphics:

    If the club name is not included as part of the graphic, it should be included underneath the graphic to include “Club Name at Michigan State University/Michigan State/MSU.” If the club name is included in the graphic, “at Michigan State University/at Michigan State/at MSU” should be included.


  • Facilities, Schedules, Maintenance, and Keys

    Recreational Sports and Fitness Services provides numerous facilities for use by Club Sports.  These facilities may be used for practice, competition, or special events and may or may not require rental fees.  Please remember that any time your club uses Rec Sports facilities each club member must present his or her MSU ID to the designated facility monitor.  Practice spaces are not to be used for special events/games.  Anytime you want to bring an outside team to campus, this must get prior approval.

    There is no guarantee that the Club Sport Program will be able to provide your club with all of the facility time you request.  Please realize that most facilities are shared with other clubs, IM Sports Programs, the Department of Kinesiology, other Registered Student Organizations (RSO’s) and the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics.  It may not be possible to practice at the times you request.  Facility use is a privilege of being affiliated with the Club Sports Program and failure to comply with policies will result in a reduction of facility time for your club.

  • Requesting Facilities

    Requesting Facilities

    Clubs must complete a Facility Request Form before the start of each semester.  This form is for semester long reservations only.  The link to this formed is emailed to teams once they’ve registered and the Club Sports Director follows up registration with an informative email.  If you need space for tryouts or events, contact the Club Sports Director.  Facilities are allocated based on need, but clubs that have had specific times are given priority for those same times if there is a conflict.  Changes may be made during the school year by contacting the Club Sports Director, but there is rarely an opportunity for a club to change practice times during the year, unless it can find another club to trade times. Each club is responsible for returning the facility utilized to its original state.


    Available facilities include IM West, IM East, IM Circle, Demonstration Hall, Sailing Center, Spartan Greens and other limited outdoor fields.  Keep in mind that your time is assigned to your club only.  You may not allow other groups to use your practice time unless you are using your time for competition.  Any Club Sport allowing use of their assigned time will be subject to loss of all of their facility use indefinitely.


    In general, clubs may begin practicing the second week of school (if classes start on a Wednesday, clubs begin practicing the following Monday, unless it’s a holiday, then the following Tuesday).  Clubs do not practice on University holidays unless it has been requested and approved through the Club Sports Director.

  • Lightning Detection System

    Lightning Detection System

    The following outdoor spaces have a Lightning Detection System:

    • WEST CAMPUS - Munn field, the track and Ralph Young field, the baseball and softball fields, the soccer field and the tennis courts
    • EAST CAMPUS - IM East fields, Vet Med fields, the Fee Hall tennis courts, and hopefully you can hear it on Spartan Greens, too.  


    Here’s how it works:

    • One 15 second blast of the horn means lightning is imminent.  Stop all activity and seek shelter.  Practices/games may resume only after three 5 second blasts of the horn have sounded. 


    • REPEAT: Once you’ve heard three 5 second blasts on the horn, you can then resume outside activity.  If you do not hear three 5 second blasts on the horn, you cannot resume playing/practice, as lightning is still a threat.


    MSU Sailing Center (off campus): Our Sailing Center has its own unique system of lightning detection.  When at the site, please abide by the rules set forth by the Sailing Center (Rec Sports) Management.


    We recommend using an app called WeatherBug.  There is a free version that gives updated information on lightning in your area.

  • Schedules and Special Events

    Schedules and Special Events

    All clubs are required to submit competition schedules for MSU games/events as well as away games to the Club Sports Director.  In order to coordinate events with other campus programs for home events and be prepared for emergencies, the Club Sports Office must be informed of such club activities.  Be sure to coordinate space with the appropriate facility manager and schedule the athletic trainer at least 2 weeks in advance (preferable further in advance than that).  Each club is responsible for returning the facility utilized to its original state.


    Fees and Special Events

    Clubs hosting events in IM facilities will be charged rental fees for exclusive use of that facility beyond a 2 hour reservation.  If you are hosting clinics or camps, the waiver of the 2 hour fee does not apply. The fees are as follows (these do change from time to time and this is the price for MSU students):

    Dem Hall Arena                                  $50/hour

    Dem Hall Ballroom                              check with College of Music Facility Manager

    Gymnasium                                        $30/court/hour ($60/whole gym/hour)

    Turf Arena                                          $50/hour full ($25/hr  ½ arena)

    Sports Arena                                      $50/hour

    Indoor Pool                                         $75/hour (minimum requirement of 2 hours and no 2 hour fee waiver) +

    $25/hr per lifeguard.  Type of event dictates number of lifeguards needed.

    Sailing Center                                      $100/hour + $25/hr staff.  Type of event dictates number of staff needed.

    Forest Akers Trust Practice Complex (Munn Turf Field):

    $50/hr facility rental (minimum requirement of 2 hours and no 2 hour fee

    waiver) + $30/hr minimum (covering 2 staff @ $15/each) for facility supervisor 30 minutes before, during and up to 30 minutes after event.  Event determines number of staff members needed.

    Spartan Greens Turf        $75/hr,/field $50/half, $150 whole complex (2 fields)

    Labor                             $25/hour per employee needed before and after facility's regularly scheduled

    hours and possibly during event, depending on size and nature of event.  Appropriate staffing determined by professional Rec Sports staff.

  • Hosting Youth Events on Campus


    Hosting Youth Events On Campus

    MSU has established specific policies and procedures regarding any MSU group conducting youth programs on campus.  If you plan to host an event like this on campus, you must meet with the Club Sports Director at least one month in advance.  Here is the university policy:

  • Coach and/or Instructor Policies

    Coaching/Instructor Policies

    Depending on the organization and type of club, coaches or instructors may or may not be necessary.  Those clubs that compete on a regular basis should generally have a specific individual or individuals registered with the Club Sports Office.  Club coaches may be paid or volunteer.  If a coach/instructor is to be paid a hiring agreement is required between the club and the coach.  Club officers should make it very clear what is expected of all coaches/instructors so there are no misunderstandings later.


    It is highly recommended that all coaches/instructors be CPR and First Aid certified.  Each club should seek out coaches who meet at least the minimum qualifications recommended by their National Governing Organization. 


    Once instructors/coaches complete the Coach’s Form, the Club Sports Office will reach out to them with instructions on how to gain access to the Rec Sports facilities for practices.


    Coaches/instructors, whether paid or volunteer, are required to have a Coach/Instructor Form on file in the Club Sports Office.  If you plan to pay coaches by using the Development Account or Endowment money (all Endowment expenses must be approved by the Rec Sports Director in advance), then coaches must complete a Personal Services Contract form before they are hired.  For more information on this, please speak with the Club Sports Director.


    Coaches requesting a W-2 can be paid through an Agency (AR) Account (see section on “Agency Account”).  Follow these instructions:

    • Collect a W-9 from the coach at the start of the season.  Anyone can fill out a W9 with either an Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Social Security Number (SSN):
      • Clubs only need to collect a W-2 on a coach once.  After the initial form, the coach is set up as a vendor in the MSU system and this form is not required each year.
    • Submit a term of agreement which includes the amount owed the coach
    • Pay them from the AR account (the university will issue a 1099 at the end of the year)
      • Submit a check request
    • A lump sum will be paid to the coach from this check request.
    • If the team wants to space out payment, then the same process must be repeated for each check.
  • Safety: First Aid and CPR

    Safety: CPR and First Aid

    Each individual participating in a club sport must take responsibility for his or her own health and safety.  All individuals who intend to participate in vigorous sports should, for their own protection, have a physical examination by a qualified medical professional before participating in any club activities.


    As part of the responsibilities of club officers, all steps possible to ensure the safety and health of club members must be taken.  Each clubs’ officers are responsible to be certain that a current liability waiver (Acknowledgement of Risk) is signed by each club member and is on file with the Club Sports Office. The current method of collecting these is to ensure every member signs up for IM Leagues (which won’t let you join a roster until you’ve read the acknowledgement of risk), that all appropriate safety and risk management policies are adhered to, that there are adequately qualified officials present, and that coaches or other responsible individuals are adequately trained for their assigned duties including CPR and First Aid.


    In order to provide immediate medical attention to an injured member, it is recommended that all Club Sport coaches be required to be certified in Standard First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).  If a club does not have a coach who is, it is recommended that two people from the club be certified.  Classes can be found through a for-credit Kinesiology course, the American Red Cross and occasionally through the Rec Sports Department.  See the Club Sports Director to learn about available classes.



  • Acknowledgment of Risk Forms

    Acknowledgment of Risk Forms (formerly Liability Waivers)

    Prior to any activity in the Club Sport Program, including before someone steps foot on the club’s space for tryouts, each club member must fill out and submit a Liability Waiver to the Club Sports Office (Acknowledgment of Risk).  Paper forms may be used as a back-up but all clubs should be using IM Leagues and managing their roster through that website.  Participants are required to sign the “Acknowledgement of Risk” before they can ask to be added to your team’s roster.  The waiver is an “Acknowledgment of Risk and Limited Release of Liability” form, essentially informing all participants that there are inherent risks in movement activities.  Other facilities and/or governing bodies may require their own forms to be filled out by participants.  It is each club’s responsibility to determine if these additional forms are required.  If necessary, be sure to submit forms in the designated time frame stipulated by each facility/organization.


    If a member is found to be participating without a waiver, the club is subject to loss of facility time or allocation funds.  Please make sure each person has completed a waiver because he/she is a liability risk to the club, the club officers, the Club Sports Program, and the University.

  • Certified Athletic Trainers

    Certified Athletic Trainers

    Rec Sports Sponsored Clubs and Intramural Sports have access to an athletic trainer.  The athletic trainer is responsible for the prevention, evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries.  For game coverage, each club is responsible for scheduling the athletic trainer at a minimum of two weeks in advance (preferably much more notice than that).  Any requests less than two weeks are required to pay $50/hr to the Rec Sports Department.  If the athletic trainer is unable to cover the event, we will try to assist in finding a certified athletic trainer or paramedic and the costs are incurred by the club.  There are no guarantees we will be successful in helping find medical personnel.  If two club teams have home competitions on the same day, the athletic trainer will attend the sport that poses the higher risk in terms of injury.  Rec Sports will not provide an athletic trainer for Alumni scrimmages.  Any outside organization interested in hiring the athletic trainer is subject to the same $50/hr fee or higher if the athletic trainer is available.

  • Risk Management

    Risk Management  

    Risk management is the process of managing your club's potential exposure to loss (either bodily injury or property damage).  It is best to prevent accidents and injuries before they happen; therefore, it is strongly recommended that each Club Sport implement the following safety practices:

    • Cancel practices or move indoors if there are dangerous weather conditions, including but not limited to lightning, hail, flooding, snow, tornadoes, and ice.
    • Make sure all club participants use appropriate protective gear during contact practice and competition.
    • Making travel arrangements in advance and avoid driving between midnight – 5:00am.
    • Have a first aid kit onsite during practice and competition.
    • Club officers, coaches, and instructors should review the risks inherent in their sport with the membership and emphasize safety at all times.
    • Review the club’s emergency procedures with the Club Sports Director.
    • Inspect facilities and equipment prior to each practice, game, or special event. Report unsafe conditions to the Rec Sports Office immediately, or if at an off-campus venue, report the condition to the proper managing authority.
    • Have all club participants complete a physical before participating.
    • Require each club member has health insurance (can be purchased through MSU).
    • Concussion education for teammates and coaches.
    • Require all club members participating in an aquatic activity verify that they can swim (i.e., Crew, Water Polo, Triathlon, etc.).

    Each individual participating in a club sport must take responsibility for their health and safety.  All individuals who intend to participate in vigorous sports should, for their own protection, have a physical examination by a qualified medical professional before participating in any club activities.


    As part of the responsibilities of club officers, all steps possible to ensure the safety and health of club members must be taken.  Each clubs’ officers are responsible to be certain that a current liability waiver is signed by each club member and is on file with the Club Sports Office, that all appropriate safety and risk management policies are adhered to, that there are adequately qualified officials present, and that coaches or other responsible individuals are adequately trained for their assigned duties including CPR and First Aid.  Officers also have the responsibility of notifying the Athletic Trainer of any home games/tournaments at least two weeks in advance.  See section above “Certified Athletic Trainer” for contact information.


    In order to provide immediate medical attention to an injured member, it is recommended that all club coaches/instructors be required to be certified in Standard First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).  If a club does not have a coach/instructor who is, it is recommended that two people from the club be certified.


    Any injuries that occur throughout the season, either at practice or at a competition, should be reported to the Athletic Trainer.

  • MSU Guidelines for Food Service

    Michigan State University Guidelines for Food Service at Events

    There are very specific guidelines surrounding food at events.  An event  request must be submitted through Involve@State when planning an event through the Office of Spartan Experiences.  That forms asks if there will be food at your event and if yes, the University Sanitarian will be looped into the request. More information can be found in the RSO Handbook (RSOH).  

  • Additional University Resources

    Additional University Resources (Funding, Services, etc.)


    Michigan State University provides numerous services and resources for student organizations on campus, including your club!  For additional information, please check out the Registered Student Organization (RSO) Handbook (RSOH).


    Hosting a tournament?  Want help planning a large sporting event?  The Greater Lansing Sports Authority will help you for free! They can negotiate pricing with area hotels, put together an on-line registration site, and more:

  • Appendix A - Club Sports Vehicle Use

    Rental Vehicle Requests

    • Whenever a club travels off campus for an event they must submit an on-line travel form ( regardless of mode of transportation being used.

    Number of required drivers

    • Each vehicle should have at least 2 approved drivers.
    • A maximum of 3 hours of uninterrupted driving is allowed per driver. After 3 hours you must switch drivers or take at least a 15 minute break before the same driver can drive again.
    • The person sitting in the front passenger seat must stay awake when the vehicle is in motion.

    Basic Driving policies

    • No cell phone use while driving. THIS INCLUDES TEXTING!!!!
    • Seat belts must be worn at all times by everyone while the vehicle is in motion. If seat belts are either nonworking or not available for a seat, that seat cannot be used.
    • No smoking while in vehicles.
    • All vehicles should remain locked when not in use.
    • Clean out the vehicles before returning. Check for any trash and personal items.
    • Avoid driving between midnight and 5:00am

    Moving and Parking Violations

    • The driver of a vehicle is responsible for any traffic violations or fines, including parking violations s/he may incur while operating the rental vehicle.